Once upon a time, I was falling in love
But now, I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

Once upon a time, there was light in my life
But now, there's only love in the dark
There's nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart

I am always in the dark..


Name:Ong Wen Lin Age:14 DOB:25-11-1992 Height:infinite(159cm tall?)

- Grow Taller ( maybe 180cm?) -To be with him till the very end -To be with my friends forever



Shermaine aka short giraffe. Yvonne Teo aka Tortise. Joyce Ng. Yi Kai. Ka Shun. Vivian. Shi Jun. Fabian. Cory. Yi Luan.


October 2007 November 2007


Picture: Hollowland

Thursday, November 29, 2007
5:29 AM


expressing the emptiness inside me..

Saturday, November 17, 2007
10:07 AM

Awwwwwww this is my very first video... Made it with Kai Ting and we spend lots of time for this video ok. SO YOUR MUST SAY IT'S NICE IF NOT I SHALL WHACK YOUR MUAHAHAHA!!!!

Found this video by accident but it bring back fond memories =) notice the last guy never shout ? Why huh jie jie never shout? So bad make them mus re-count everything. BAD JIE JIE =X

expressing the emptiness inside me..

Thursday, November 8, 2007
7:24 AM

It's cool.It's wonderful. It's fabulous. It's Teenage birthday bash 2007 @ the DXO. Omg it's really nice and not to mention i met Nathan Hartono( dun be jealous wor Pei Fang =P) Omg isn't he dashing or wad haha i keep sneaking a peek at him ( jus can't help it la ) and waaaa he is so cool and a nice voice too. ( not to mention he is releasing his album soon !!! )

Ok this is the teenage icon class 07 and they were singing Beautiful girls. Awwwwwww so sweet la somemore the guys were singing the Sean Kingston version and the girls were doing the JoJo's version. But it is really nice =) * 5 thumbs up *

NATHAN IS SO SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! And some pics of Priscilla and Marie singing with Jay from Singapore idol awwwwwwww shr got a really nice voice and it's powerful too. But Nathan really got the crowd going with his jazzy song it's really nice !!! He even sang it without any music beside the stamping of his feet!!! so unbelievable lor....
Gorgeous guys and gals from the youth project. OMG SO MANY HANDSOME GUYS!!!!!!!! but kinda like only one cause he look a bit like ..... HAHA can't tell your but i am sure some of your know who is it la HAHA.....
HAHA the cake is nice la but a bit too cold for my liking so cold la like even the fruits inside the cake has tiny icicles?! So hard to eat la but i like the free flow of drinks ... Guess how many glasses me and sher drank. Like we keep going to the counter and take and take like for 3 trips? But it's really a nice drink taste like raspberry and cranberry . Awww why isn't it alcoholic ? Yvonne would have like it a lot ( Yvonne: yes !!!!!!!! Red wine is nice !!!!) * something like that ba.... forget le but do i know that Yvonne like to drink alcoholic drinks HAHA * AWWW not forgetting some zi lian moments in the Esplanade toilet haha . Now i shall declare myself bankrupt cause i spend lots of money on the dress haha . The Teenage Prom King is someone from Republic Poly think the name is Dickson and the Teenage Prom Queen came from Philipine but she is really pretty. Met and dance with one of the noeminated girls from St. Margaret. Her name is Angel and she is really nice . Sher kept dancing wildly so i just kept moving? I can't just stand there like a statue. I would look stupid on the dancefloor so I just dance even though i don't know how HAHA. It was really difficult lor dancing in high heels cause i am afraid i would trip and fall but nothing happen. Maybe i got use to wearing it le ba....Saw Brevian too. She was wearing high heels so as to increase her height ba.... haha.( I did not wear high heels to increase my height ok? Yvonne say it goes with the bag so I bought it. ). The goodie bag is nice too. There is a lip gloss which smells really nice, a bottle of nail polish and sweets and so on .
Apologising for the blurred photos earlier on . I think the blasting sounds must have been affecting my camera so causing the photos to be blurred so the Esplanade is the last thing i shoot before the camera battery went dead. ( Yvonne : YES!!!!!!!!! IT MUST BE TAKEN A PICTURE OF !!!!!!! SO NICE DON'T TAKE WASTEFUL LEH!!!!!!!! ) So haha this is the DURIAN of SIngapore nice right? Awww ok ok i admit i met lots of handsome guys there but i never talk to them ok how don't even think about the asking number part . I was only joking HAHA.

expressing the emptiness inside me..

Monday, November 5, 2007
6:47 AM

The Lions Trail * Roar*

Yawn was super tired out today haha. Ok let's get to the Lion trail and the embarrasing moments... Well, was almost late for school today lor like 8.01am then in school haha supposed to meet in school at 8am de but hey cannot blame me wor i just need my 8 hrs of beauty sleep =P. Entered into 1H classroom with Tian Tian then found out hey not actually late wad still got people later then us de. Shouldn't get so paraniod rite.
So after about an hour of kinda bored but enriching talk we boarded the bus. Actually thought i could sleep on the bus de lor but in the end cannot T_T . Must listen to the gruesome talks of the WW2 lol the Japanese very cruel lor so sadist la ( YVONNE: YA LA JAPANESE SO CRUEL I DUN LIKE THEIR DIGUSTING FOOD ) * note no meaning to be a racist hor * but really la they so heartless la like stabbing a patient on a surgery bed? Yucks can be more merciful or not? First we actually went to the Jurong Island. Was really fun haha but NO CAMERA IS ALLOWED LOL. Waste of my presence of my holy camera like the reason? YOU MAY LOOK INNOCENT BUT WHO KNOWS THAT YOU ARE A TERRORIST ?! lol do i look like a terrorist but nvm la. T_T sad that cannot take a picture of the island. Quite beautiful la. Was so damn embarrased to make the whole bus wait for me and yvonne cause we are the only 2 that brought camera haha. So after coming out of the Island all of them still have to wait for us to dash across the road ( mind you we jaywalked ok ? Its the tour guide fault no offense ) The Oasis @ sakra was like the only nice building there and WOW there's a jeep with a machine gun WAAAAAA so cool la and the rest? Lots and lots of chemical plants. Actually wondered if there happen to be a gas leak would the scence look like the scence of Resident Evil where all the people got infected by the poisonous gas and become zombie.... ( a very wide imagination)

After that we went to the Labrador Battery , haha a random pic of yvonne who accidentally got into the shot the place was nice but the name, is a different thing . Who will be in the right mind to name some artillary and building magazine and battery lol weird name ... haha at least at here we can eat our snacks and take photos in peace ( we are not supposed to eat on the bus but no one seems to care =P) So i took loads of pics here .

some pic taken at labrador battery above is the pic of Jurong Island which is 5 km away from the park and the whole groups of people making their way to the gun post haha but sadly was blown away by both the Japanese and the British.

Ok Ok it wasn't me who took that photo it was sze yee. And next to it is where the gun post was supposed to be and below my photo another site where the gun post was supposed to be . ARRRRRRRRRRRRR that guy is carrying a big big bullet.I wonder if he is afraid during the WW2. The gun was supposed to be real seems to be found when the LTA was constructing the MRT haha damn funny because they thought that is was a water pipe 1m deep into the ground then in the end found out that it is a gun and it's quite new too seems like it didn't rust thanks to the thick layer a grease .

The first picture is the inside of the gun... it is suppose to have 24 grooves and it is encased in glass so that we can look inside so cool rite. Well i wonder what the guy is trying to look through the binoculars haha maybe at girls ba.... Another pic of the gun and 1 really short soilder so short la i can touch his head leh haha another picture of me and the soilder passing a bullet haha haix hope that they can rest in peace ba....

After that, we went to the walkway near the Esplanade ( Yvonne is very happy haha) and look at some monuments above is a few pictures of the centopath ( wadeva is it ...) But the wordings seems inapporiate as in Our Glorious Dead ??? Nvm who cares ? It is built for the WW1 and WW2 soilders as a war monument.

A short walk from the INA is the Lim Bo Seng memorial built for I am sure you know who le rite .... so obvious and after that we went back to school and were the last to come back. After that we went to Sunplaza to SHOP SHOP SHOP for the teenage birthday bash OMG !!! The girls helped me chose some clothes and accessories and now i am left to buy a pair of shoe and something which i dun think i wanna say haha opps and maybe a bag too =) ( * smile broadly*)
Learnt a new word today .... debus = get off the bus.

expressing the emptiness inside me..

Friday, November 2, 2007
8:45 AM

The Star Thrower

An old man was enjoying a stroll on a beach during a cold winter morning. Along his way, he notice a little girl picking up a starfish and throwing it back into the sea. Curious, the old man went up to that little girl and asked her what is she doing .

" I am saving the starfish. If the sun rises these starfish would dry up and die. So I am throwing them back into the sea where they would not die." , the little girl reply meekly.

" But there are thousands of starfish here!!! " , the old man exclaimed. It was during the high tide so the starfish are wash up towards the shore and thousands of starfish littered the seashore.

The little girl looked up at the old man and then continue to pick up a starfish a throw it back into the sea with all her might.

" For that starfish, it make a big difference." , she replied.

We are always so selfish that we never once slowed down and looked around us. If we had just help someone, we would have just made a difference in their lives. We could be the one to do so. So, are you the star thrower?

expressing the emptiness inside me..